Text : We know that you are overbordered with requests, and therefore we ask only for a trifle. Any object of whatever email value, as long as it is whole, even if it were originally destined for your waste-basket, would be of immeare help to us. We are planning to hold a “celebrity auction” in the spring, to raise echolarships totalling ten thousand dollars; and if we may have a small article from you, identified as your donation, we are certain that we can meet our desperately needed goal.
Text : We know that you are overbordered with requests, and therefore we ask only for a trifle. Any object of whatever email value, as long as it is whole, even if it were originally destined for your waste-basket, would be of immeare help to us. We are planning to hold a “celebrity auction” in the spring, to raise echolarships totalling ten thousand dollars; and if we may have a small article from you, identified as your donation, we are certain that we can meet our desperately needed goal.
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