Manray Photo ,website officially authorized by the Man Ray Trust to distribute, under certain conditions, works by Man Ray.

These images are only presented to enable their research and ordering with a view to their reproduction, in a professional setting.

These works by Man Ray are protected by legislation on literary and artistic property in all countries.

The rights of its beneficiaries, the Man Ray Trust, are managed by Adagp. To reproduce, represent, publish or distribute these works by Man Ray, you must obtain prior authorization from Adagp or its correspondents abroad and pay the corresponding royalties. Adagp email:

Any backup on hard disk or any distribution or reproduction of these images by any means whatsoever, in particular via the Internet, is prohibited, except for the purpose of said order.

logo_telimage.pngCreated in 1979, Telimage is an audiovisual production company which has been interested in interactive techniques since 1986, by producing Laservision video discs.

Telimage has positioned itself, since 1992, in multimedia production, editing and creation: An editing department, produces and publishes off-line products for the general public.

A multimedia creation and production studio, produces institutional products, to order for its clients, with a specialization in the artistic and museographic field (Museum of Photography, Maritime Museum, Army Museum, Dubuffet Foundation, Man Ray Trust, Galerie Jeanne-Bucher, ...)

But also for companies and institutions (Alcatel Cable, McDonald's France, Convatec Laboratory, MSD Laboratory, DDE des Yvelines, French Olympic Committee, Local Mission of Agenais and Albret, etc.)

Off-line, Telimage publishes complete series on the various interactive CD media currently available (CD-Rom, DVD). Online, Telimage offers a wide range of modular and scalable services. Website projects are tailor-made, based on needs and budgets.

With its experience, Telimage relies on its team of collaborators, specialists in the fields of communication consulting, content writing, multimedia technologies, graphic, photographic, video creation, sound illustration and of original music composition.