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General public
Photographic Prints

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Photographic prints intended for the General public
Achetez un tirage Noire et blanche 1926
Achetez un tirage Les Larmes 1932
Achetez un tirage

Telimage who manages officially the picture library Man Ray, is able to propose you photographic editions - new prints - high "gallery" quality - on a selection of Man Ray's photographs.
The choice of the proposed images was made according to their interests and with regard to the quality of our negatives.

These works of Man Ray are protected by the legislation concerning literary and artistic property in all countries.
The rights of the beneficiaries, the Man Ray Trust, are managed by ADAGP. It is formally forbidden to reproduce, represent, publish or broadcast in any way, these proposed prints editions works of Man Ray.
Any saving to hard drive and any diffusion or reproduction whatsoever of these images by whatever means, including via the Internet, is prohibited, except for the said inspection.

Achetez un tirage Le Violon d'ingres 1924
Technique and marking of the proposed prints

The photographic prints are completely hand-made, by unit, in our own laboratory on black and white photographic silver fibre based paper, double weight 255 g semi-matt surface, of Ilford mark (ref MGFB) in 4 different sizes: 24 x 30 cm (9.5' x 12'), 30 x 40 cm (12' x 16'), 40 x 50 cm (16' x 19.65') and 50 x 60 cm (19.65' x 23.62').

Every diffused print wears the following markings:
- A label stuck on the back in the middle of the print indicating " Reproduction of the work of MAN RAY: " title, date of creation ", mention of the copyright: © Man Ray Trust/ADAGP, Paris, year of realization of the print;
- Plug " Edition Telimage " and our address in Paris, in the lower left back ;
- Dry plug (discreet embossing of the paper) with monogram of Man Ray: MR, Telimage - Paris, in the lower right.

Copyright © 2004 Man Ray Trust /ADAGP- Telimage Powered by Yvan Prat Conseils
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