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Privacy Notice Privacy Notice
Telimage guarantees you, visitors and customers of our site, the confidentiality of personal information:

Non permanent character of the data collected on the site

To process your order, we must be able to know and memorize some of the parameters which are communicated to us by your computer: it is necessary for us to know who you are as well as the products which you ordering. The cookies are programs used with a this single aim: to memorize, the time of your visit, your identity (known thanks to your pseudo and with your password) and the contents of your caddie as you fill it. Once your shopping is finished, this information is automatically erased. Our cookies being non permanent, there is no reason to worry.

Personal data protection

As a commercial site, Telimage collects certain information necessary to treat orders. Telimage processes this data with the greatest confidentiality. The automated treatment of personal information on our site was declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés.

Respect of the French and European Regulations

In accordance with the Informatique et Libertés Law of January 6, 1978, you have the right of access, correction, modification and suppression of the data which concerns you. You can exert this right by sending a mailing to us to at the following address:

46, Boulevard de Port Royal
75005 PARIS France

Copyright © 2004 Man Ray Trust /ADAGP- Telimage Powered by Yvan Prat Conseils
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