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Exhibition MAN RAY Le Beau Temps, musée La Banque, Hyères   Date: Saturday 29 July, 2023
News Summary:
Exhibition on the presence and work of Man Ray in the south of France, around his two films: "Les Mysteres du Château du Dé" and "La Garoupe".

News Content:
"Man Ray, Le Beau Temps" (good weather) is an exhibition labeled as being of national interest, the title of which is taken from a quote from Man Ray:
“One night, I heard cannons in the distance; I went back to sleep and dreamed that two mythological animals were slaughtering each other on my roof.
I sketched this dream and incorporated it into my picture of dreams, which I called Le Beau Temps." Man Ray, Autoportrait, 1963.

The essentials
Photographs, paintings and lithographs, called "Essentials" will be presented such as rayograms, Le Violon d'Ingres (1924), Noire et Blanche (1926) as well as fashion photos published in magazines such as Vanity Fair.

Villa Noailles
From 1927, Man Ray frequented the patron couple, Viscount Charles de Noailles and his wife Marie-Laure de Noailles.
He participates in the Futurist Ball organized by his last. It was in 1929 that he made a long stay in Hyères following an order from the Viscount for a film "Les Mysteres du Château du Dé"
promoting his villa built in 1925, the work of architect Robert Mallet-Stevens.
Note the strong link between the Villa Noailles and the Banque de France, whose construction sites were both monitored locally by Léon David between 1923 and 1925.

The surrealist gallery
The portraits will establish Man Ray's reputation as a photographer and allow him to live from his art in his Parisian studio.
In the exhibition, these are essentially portraits of surrealist and avant-garde artists with some group photos
such as Centrale surréaliste (1924), Séance de rêve éveillé (1924), and especially single artists such as André Breton, Paul Eluard, Max Ernts,
Jean Cocteau, Jean Arp, Yves Tanguy, Pablo Picasso, René Char, Giacometti, Juan Miro, Aragon, etc.

Holidays in the South
This last part presents photos of Man Ray's various stays in the South of France.
These photographs reveal a Man Ray with photos in situation during a stay at the beach or a meal with friends.
The opportunity to try the new color film given by Kodak and to make a small color film, whose title is the name of the beach where they went to Cap d'Antibes "La Garoupe"
The protagonists are Picasso, Paul Eluard, Dora Maar, Nusch, Roland Penrose, Ady in Menton, Antibes and Juan-les-Pins.

Extra Information:
For more information, please visit this related in Var matin

Article Statistics:
Exhibition MAN RAY Le Beau Temps, musée La Banque, Hyères
Exhibition MAN RAY Le Beau Temps, musée La Banque, Hyères
Exhibition MAN RAY Le Beau Temps, musée La Banque, Hyères

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