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Digital Photographic Library
Noire et blanches 1926
Larmes 1932

Internet site officially authorized by the Man Ray Trust to offer, under certain conditions, reproductions of the Man Ray artworks.
These images are displayed only to allow the inspection for purposes of placing reproduction orders, within a professional framework.
These works of Man Ray are protected by the legislation concerning literary and artistic property in all countries.
The rights of the beneficiaries, the Man Ray trust, are managed by ADAGP. To reproduce, represent, publish or broadcast an artwork of Man Ray, you must obtain the prior authorization of ADAGP or its foreign correspondents and pay the relevant royalties. E-mail : adagp@adagp.fr
Any saving to hard drive and any diffusion or reproduction whatsoever of these images by whatever means, including via the Internet, is prohibited, except for the said inspection.

Le Violon d'ingres 1924 Call
This numerical photographic library is at your disposal to search for, and select some pictures of Man Ray's works we managed to reproduce and to reference. However, we are not out of the wood yet...

We intend to enrich this database, either with other pictures or with pieces of information, completing it as one goes along.

Please, feel free to help us! We would be extremely thankful, in case you know or own any picture or piece of information that do not appear, to make us know about it, or to tell us about any interesting track that may be of some help.

Copyright © 2004 Man Ray Trust /ADAGP- Telimage Powered by Yvan Prat Conseils
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