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Man Ray's biography Date: Monday 17 March, 2014
1890 Emmanuel Radnitzky born on August 20 in Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania, USA).

1897 His family moved to Brooklyn (New York).

1904 Secondary Education . During free design and industrial design.

1908 Receives a scholarship to study architecture, but he gave it up.

1910 Receiving the Ferrer Center works on libertarian principles , offers courses in drawing, watercolor . " In fact, everything was free and even love ."

1911 Frequent 291 Gallery Alfred Stieglitz and discover the artistic avant-garde.

1912 Moved to Ridgefield (New Jersey) where there is a community of artists.

1913 Discover the works of Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia to Armory Show . He abandoned his name and is now called Man Ray.

1914 Wife Donna Lecoeur (real name Adon Lacroix ), Belgian poet who introduced him to Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Lautréamont, Mallarmé , Apollinaire. The war broke out in Europe, it must submit the project to go to France with Adon Lacroix.

1915 Buy a camera with him , on the advice of Stieglitz, to reproduce his paintings. Publishes The Ridgefield Gazook , a small plate of 4 pages Dada spirit.
Meet Marcel Duchamp.
First solo exhibition at the Daniel Gallery. Returned to live in New York.

1917 Exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists in New York: it has The rope dancer accompagnies herself with her shadow when he learns that he withdraw the refusal of Fountain Marcel Duchamp.
First aerographs and glasses plates.

1919 Publish single number TNT, review anarchist tendency .
Breaks with Donna Lacroix.

1920 With Marcel Duchamp and Katherine S. Dreier , he founded the Société Anonyme , the first organization in the United States with the aim of collecting and exhibiting contemporary art. The collection is now in the Yale University.

1921 Publish with Marcel Duchamp unique number New York Dada .
Arrived in Paris on July 22 where Marcel Duchamp welcomes and introduces him to Dadaists.
Meet Cocteau introduced him to many relationships , and begin to realize many photographic portraits.
First solo exhibition in Paris, organized by the Dadaists to the library Six : " Mr. Ray was born we do not know where he was successively coal merchant , millionaire several times over and the chairman . chewing gum trust ... < /i >".
Optical research with Marcel Duchamp lead to Anemic Cinema.
Meet Kiki de Montparnasse (Alice Prin ).

1922 Discover the very beginning of the year rayography.
Made many portraits and works by Parisian publishers book in English . Fashion photographs for Paul Poiret .
Publication Champs delicious : 12 rayographs , preface by Tristan Tzara.

1923 " In 1923 , I was an established photographer ."
Berenice Abbott took as an assistant until 1926.
Directed his first movie Return to Reason , turned to one of the last events Dadaists "Heart beard ."

1924 Literature publishes Violon d'Ingres . Robert Desnos published an article on Man Ray in Paris Journal.
With Duchamp , Picabia and Erik Satie, he plays in the film Entr'acte by René Clair.

1925 Exhibition of Decorative Arts, Man Ray photograph section of haute couture.
Participate in the first Surrealist exhibition at the Galerie Pierre in Paris with Arp, de Chirico, Ernst, Masson, Miró and Picasso.
The French and American editions of Vogue publish his fashion photography.

1926 Performs his second film Emak Bakia .
Exposes rayographs and other works at the Brooklyn Museum.

1927 Trip to New York for his exhibition Recent Painting and Photographic Compositions at the Daniel Gallery.

1928 Performs his third film : Etoile de mer .

1929 Publication 1929 , poems of Louis Aragon and Benjamin Peret illustrated four pornographic photographs by Man Ray . The book is provided .
Meet Lee Miller with whom he went to the Wheeler Biarritz to shoot his fourth film , Les Mystères du Château du Dé .
Lee Miller will be his assistant until 1932 and together they discover solarization.

1930 White Balance at Count Pecci-Blunt. With the help of Lee Miller, he plans on white clothes guests images of a hand-colored film.

1931 Do Electricity , advertising album for Companion Parisienne de Distribution of Electricity, edition of 500 ex.

1933 Spends the summer in Cadaques with Marcel Duchamp, Dali and Gala.

1934 James Thrall Soby publishes Photographs by Man Ray in 1920 - Paris - 1934 .

1935 Publication Easy (GLM , Paris ): 13 photographs on poems by Paul Eluard.

1936 Meeting Ady ( Adrienne Fidelin ) .
Moved rue Denfert-Rochereau . Spends the summer in Mougins with Picasso, Dora Maar, Nusch and Paul Eluard, Roland Penrose and Valentine.
Surrendered three months in New York for a fashion magazine.

1937 Posted Handsfree (Edition Jeanne Bucher, Paris): 36 drawings on poems by Paul Eluard.
Participates with 33 works in the exhibition Three surrealist painters (Tanguy, Ernst, Man Ray), Palais des Beaux- Arts, Brussels.
Rents a studio in Antibes dedicated to painting, and runs a small color film with Picasso and Eluard.

1938 International Surrealist Exhibition, Gallery of Fine Arts, Paris. Man Ray is the "Master of Lights". In witness whereof, the opening day, the rooms are plunged into darkness and every visitor has a flashlight to explore paintings.

1940 Paris Flees to New York via Lisbon. Moved to Hollywood and met Juliet Browner.

1941 Fits in a large workshop to Vine Street. No longer does a lot of photography, with the exception of a few portraits and rayographs and testing of color photography with Kodachrome films. Devoted himself to painting. Participated in group or solo exhibitions.

1946 Double wedding in Beverly Hills, Man Ray and Juliet Browner, Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning. Realise its rayographique Alphabet .

1947 Quick Trip to Paris with Juliet.

1948 Publication Alphabet for adults album of drawings (Copley Galleries, Beverly Hills).
Painted series Shakespearian Equations , from photographs mathematical objects taken in the thirties to the Poincaré Institute and reported at the Paris trip.

1951 Returns to Paris permanently and moved 2bis, rue Férou in the 6th arrondissement.
Resumed painting and experimented with color photographs.

1958 Series Natural paintings .
Participates in numerous both collective and personal exhibitions, both in Europe and the United States.

1961 Gets the Gold Medal for photography at the Venice Biennale.

1962 Man Ray exhibition, photographic work, Bibliothèque nationale (National Library), Paris.

1963 Publishes his autobiography , Self Portrait (Boston, Little Brown) and a portfolio called Twelve Rayographs , 1921-1928 (Stuttgart, LGA).

1966 Cinquantenaire Dada. Man Ray participates in various retrospectives in Paris, Zurich, Milan. First major retrospective, Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Exhibitions and retrospectives around the world.
Participates in 1971 Le Violon d' Ingres presentation Around the Turkish Ingres , Louvre, Paris
Andy Warhol dedicate a series of paintings and serigraphs in 1974.

1976 November 18. Man Ray died in Paris . On his grave in Montparnasse cemetery reads: Unconcerned , but not indifferent ( Detached, but not indifferent )

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