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Les Mystères du château de Dé Date: Tuesday 07 December, 2004
Movie directed by Man Ray - 1929

Direction: Man Ray
Photo: Jacques-André Boiffard et Man Ray
Actors: Alice de Montgomery, Le Comte Etienne de Beaumont, Le Vicomte Charles de Noailles, Marie-Laure de Noailles, Eveline Orlowska, Bernard Deshoulières, Marcel Raval, Lily Pastrè, M. et Mme Henri d'Ursel, Jacques-André Boiffard et Man Ray
Time: 26 min; NB, no sound with musical accompaniment

"One day I received the Vicomte de Noailles an invitation to dinner followed by the screening premiere of a new film in the private cinema he had installed in his mansion in Paris. [...]
After the screening, he took me aside and told me that he would soon go to his castle in the south. He used to go well in the middle of every winter, a few weeks away from the rigors of the Parisian climate. He invited me to the castle, as long as I want.
His proposal was interested, he confessed frankly. He wanted me to carry my camera and I filmed the facilities of the castle and its collections of artworks. The castle was very modern. Noailles also wanted some footage showing his entertaining guests in the gym and in the pool. The film would not be released. Later he would be projected to the guests as a souvenir. "

Charles de Noailles ask to Man Ray at the moment in his career where the artist doubts its future filmmaker. Only one project without limits or financial or aesthetic, could give him again the taste for the moving image.

Unlike its motion patterns based on improvisation and the image pickup adventure, Man Ray will write a "single pre-project", a framework based on an analogy between the geometry of architectural spaces and the castle of Noailles Mallarmé's poem.
The reference to Mallarmé poem has always been claimed by Man Ray, and the title is derived, and the three cards "a crapshoot ... / ... never abolish ... / ... THE RANDOM "and reproduces the original hyphenation and typographical innovation.
The main loan Mallarme is the pervasiveness of chance and throw the dice in the course of the film. The travelers of the early movie rely random dice deciding whether they will or not in a mysterious place. The latter part of the logic of the film; Would it even existed if the launch had been different ... In the course of the action, the dice will decide the course and the course of events, to "... who remained?", "... who did not stay? " epilogue.

Masks function was to overcome the inhibition of amateur actors: "The guests were reluctant They were not on photogenic enough to face the camera I declared that I had solved this problem without resorting to tedious makeup I ran... then up to my room, sank a silk stocking over my head, and reappeared in front of guests, anonymous, although my features were vaguely suggested. relieved, guests approved my idea and started at my disposal "

Extracts from Man Ray, directeur du mauvais movies, Jean-Michel Bouhours (Editions du Centre Georges Pompidou, 1997)

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